10 Even More Movie Scenes Shot For Real

3. Those Greenhouses Actually Exist - Blade Runner 2049

Ong Bak
Warner Bros.

Speaking of real-world locations being snuck into an epic feature, Denis Villeneuve managed to utilise a truly mesmerising location for a scene at the start of his terrific Blade Runner 2049.

Early on in that sequel to Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi film, Ryan Gosling's Nexus-9 replicant K can be seen heading out to "retire" Dave Bautista's Nexus-8 replicant Sapper Morton. As K flies to the latter's location, he's found soaring over what looks like a collection of futuristic, digitally created greenhouses.

But looks can be deceiving.

These greenhouses can actually be found around the town of El Ejido in Almeria, Spain, with the majority of the ones here in these opening moments of 2049 being photographed for real.

Though John Nelson, who won an Academy Award for his superb Visual Effects work on the film, would note (via Art of VFX) that on top of shooting "aerial plates in Spain and Iceland", some CG elements were eventually added to this opening stretch.

For the most part, though, the awe-inspiring visuals seen as K closes in on Sapper's farm were of the real deal, with those greenhouses actually producing between 2.5 million to 3.5 million tons of fruit and vegetables every year (via NASA).

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...