10 Even More Movie Villains You Didn't Realise Actually Won

8. Irma Bunt - On Her Majesty's Secret Service

The Dark Knight The Joker Heath Ledger

Though the James Bond franchise has been incredibly meticulous about leaving few villainous threads tied off, there is one glaring, decades-old exception.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service's primary villain may be Blofeld (Telly Savalas) - who was eventually dropped down a chimney in For Your Eyes Only - but his loyal henchwoman is the vicious Irma Bunt (Ilse Steppat).

Bunt is notable for committing arguably the single most heinous transgression against Bond (George Lazenby) in any of the movies - gunning down his new bride Tracy di Vicenzo (Diana Rigg) at the very end of the story.

This understandably traumatises 007 and carries through a thread which sees him seek vengeance against Blofeld, yet Irma? She's never heard from again.

There is, unfortunately, a tragic reason for this, as Bunt actress Ilse Steppat passed away mere days after the film's premiere.

The filmmakers had originally intended for Bunt to reappear in sequel Diamonds Are Forever, and likely receive her comeuppance, but ultimately decided to leave the character be rather than recast.

As such, from all the evidence we have in the films, Bunt completed her ruthless mission, was never punished for her actions, and even outlasted Blofeld himself.

The only solace fans have, however, is that Bunt was implied to have been killed by 007 in Ian Fleming's sequel novel to On Her Majesty's Secret Service, You Only Live Twice, even if this was never played out on-screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.