10 Even More Movies With Ridiculously Subtle Foreshadowing

8. Blue Skies On Mars - Total Recall

The Godfather Foreshadowing
TriStar Pictures

Looking for a movie where you can't say for certain whether the whole thing was a dream or not by the time the credits roll? Forget Inception, and look no further than Total Recall. The fate of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Douglas Quaid played with the minds of audiences long before Leonardo DiCaprio's did.

The events of Total Recall revolve around Quaid becoming something of an action hero, though it is presented in a way that never confirms whether this was truly what happened, or if it was just the result of the manufactured memories he wanted implanted in his mind.

While the film very much leaves this question open to interpretation, there's a clever bit of foreshadowing that may lend more weight to the "it was all a dream" line of thinking.

It all comes back to the blue skies on Mars.

As part of Quaid's implanted memories, one of the technicians remarks that blue sky on Mars was a new one, meaning this was the first time he had manufactured such a detail before. While there is a perfectly valid in-universe explanation for the sky on Mars changing from red to blue, there is no reason to think this wasn't also a part of the manufactured dream. The movie is undoubtedly open-ended, but it's difficult to ignore the evidence that points to it all happening inside Quaid's mind.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.