10 Events That Changed Star Wars Forever

1. A Naboo Royal Starship Hyperdrive Malfunction

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Qui Gon Shmi

It all started with a dodgy hyperdrive.

With Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Queen Amidala, Jar Jar Binks and the rest of the Naboo gang getting through the Trade Federation blockade by the skin of their teeth, a leaky hyperdrive damaged in the Naboo Royal Starship's attempts to flee the planet forces the team to think on their feet.

It's here when Jinn's padawan notes how the Hutt-ruled Tatooine was likely the best place to lay low whilst they figured out how to repair the damaged ship.

And what do you know, that sandy planet just so happened to be the homeworld of a certain young boy who had a midi-chlorian count higher than Master Yoda. What are the chances?

Everything from the ship being blown to bits before R2-D2 had the chance to fix its shield generators, to Obi-Wan perhaps landing on another planet as the one they should touch down on could've led to the fate of the galaxy being entirely different.

But as Qui-Gon himself noted in the end, the Jedi Master meeting Anakin was not a coincidence. And it appears as though the universe or the Force was doing all it could to set the pair on an eventual collision course from the moment the Queen's ship struggled its way off planet.

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