10 Events That Changed Star Wars Forever

2. The Jedi Council Don't Listen To Sifo-Dyas

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Qui Gon Shmi

Another vital moment that would lay the foundations for the galaxy-altering Clone Wars to come, the Jedi Order were at it again when it came to not listening or fully trusting certain members of their gang.

With Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas being sure of an incoming danger that could act as a great threat to both the Jedi and Republic, it soon became clear to him that an army needed to be created in order for those fighting the good fight to triumph. The Jedi Council disagreed, of course, feeling his plan was a little too extreme and soon removed him from the High Council.

However, that still didn't stop Sifo-Dyas from executing a plan to create a clone army, with the master lying to the Kaminoans that this was a request from the Galactic Senate.

This would then set the stage for Palpatine to take advantage of the creation of this rather useful grand army, with the Dark Lord of the Sith having Sifo-Dyas assassinated before setting his own dreadful scheme in motion.

Yet, the Jedi could've kept the big bad in the galaxy from getting his hands on the clone army, and subsequently retooling the inhibitor chips within them to target all Jedi upon Order 66 being given, had they just trusted this particular Council member.

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