10 Exact Moments A Character Messed Up In A Horror Movie

1. The Visit - Do Either Of You Have ID?

Drag Me To Hell
Universal Pictures

Going to stay with your estranged grandparents, whom you've never met, never seen a picture of, or spoken with, is a weird situation. Obviously, it's not ideal. With that being said though if things are already going to be awkward, you should probably swap the polite greetings for an exchange of IDs.

Siblings Becca and Tyler have a complicated family life and their mother Loretta has been estranged from her parents their whole life. But Loretta has a new boyfriend and that boyfriend is taking her on a cruise, so the kids need a place to stay.

This seems like the perfect time to meet your long lost grandparents right?

Now, it's understandable that Loretta had no pictures to share with them. It's understandable that she wasn't up for a facetime with the two before sending her kids away. But as a mother, surely you would put some precautions in place to make sure your kids have gone to the right people.

If you're sending your children to essentially a stranger's house, you need to double-check they've gone to the right place. Maybe have a designated police escort take them to the house, verify the safety of the place. Or, god forbid, have your kids check the ID of their grandparents...

Loretta is lucky they weren't kidnapped for more nefarious reasons! Human trafficking is a real problem around the world Loretta, come on!

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.