10 Exact Moments Actors Died Inside

1. Ray Fisher Is Forced To "Booyah!" - Justice League

Justice League
Warner Bros.

While it is admittedly tough to land on just one moment from Joss Whedon's version of the DCEU's ill-fated Justice League live-action team-up that stuck out for all the wrong reasons, Ray Fisher's utterance of "Booyah!" is definitely up there for most let down super-fans.

Despite expressing his doubts over whether having the hero utter the catchphrase that had become a touch popular during the Teen Titans animated show would work in a live-action setting, though, and stating how "it seemed weird to have the only Black character say that”, Fisher found himself being reluctantly talked into performing a single take of the jarring line by Whedon and some higher-ups.

The actor was under no illusions that, if he performed the line, it would end up in the finished movie. And after parring off Whedon's mocking greeting of "Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you” on the day, a "not in the mood" Fisher vacated the area post-one take of "Booyah!", with his undeniable frustration at being made to speak said speech against his will immortalised in the lacklustre final article.

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