10 Exact Moments Actors Died Inside

8. Mark Ruffalo Did NOT Want To Dance - 13 Going On 30

Justice League
Sony Pictures Releasing

He may be without a doubt one of the most diverse and consistently compelling thespians his generation has to offer, but there are still some particular acts that even the great Mark Ruffalo struggles to commit to on-screen.

In fact, when it came to one specific sequence in much-loved fantasy rom-com 13 Going on 30, the eventual Bruce Banner was so uncomfortable during the shoot that he almost walked out on the movie entirely!

As revealed by the actor himself to Fox 5's Kevin McCarthy, after it taking him six hours to learn the film's famous Thriller dance routine that he claimed co-star Jennifer Garner nailed in six minutes, "She had to drag me onto the dance floor."

On top of this, the Oscar-nominated star would also admit:

"Whatever Matty was experiencing in that was actually just me... I almost quit the movie!"

And while the moves cut on the dance floor are fondly remembered by the majority of folks who hold the 2004 flick dear, Ruffalo's discomfort is as clear in the scene itself as it is whenever he's nudged on the topic of his less than thrilled involvement in the routine today.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...