10 Exact Moments Actors Died Inside

9. Jay Baruchel Was Genuinely Having A Rollercoaster Meltdown - Knocked Up

Justice League

Rollercoasters aren't everyone's cup of tea.

But there's not being a big fan of twirling and speeding around up high whilst strapped into a mechanical thrill-ride, and then there's having a crippling fear of the contraptions that can lead to a genuine panic attack when forced onto a coaster.

Knocked Up actor Jay Baruchel unfortunately takes up a place in the latter camp. Yet, that still didn't stop director Judd Apatow from shoving the comedy thespian into a real-life coaster for the purposes of a throwaway scene at the start of his 2007 rom-com.

Making matters worse, Apatow initially assured his actor he wouldn't be needed for the coaster sequence, only to cruelly change his mind on the day of the shoot itself.

So, when taking in the sight of Baruchel's Jay squirming and squealing throughout the film's opening coaster scene, said panic and the repeated lines of "I gotta get off!" are the result of a genuinely terrified actor wanting to be free from his own personal hell.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...