10 Exact Moments Actors Died Inside

6. Idris Elba Was Heartbroken By A Spaceship Jump - Thor: The Dark World

Justice League
Marvel Studios

While the average actor would likely do just about anything for a chance to wiggle onto an MCU set for an upcoming slice of superhero action, Idris Elba was entirely over the sight of green screens and harnesses back during the making of Thor: The Dark World.

One scene in particular "ripped (his) heart out" in the wake of being forced to return to the MCU for reshoots after wrapping on Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. As Elba would explain to The Telegraph, the sequence involving his Heimdall "falling down from a spaceship" was enough to leave the Brit feeling wholly disheartened:

"...so they had to put me in harness in this green-screen studio. And in between takes I was stuck there, fake hair stuck on to my head with glue, this f***ing helmet, while they reset. And Iā€™m thinking: ā€˜24 hours ago, I was Mandela.ā€™ ā€¦ Then there I was, in this stupid harness, with this wig and this sword and these contact lenses. It ripped my heart out."

The actor admittedly cut a disinterested figure for much of his time in the Thor sphere in the wake of his initial showing in Kenneth Branagh's 2011 entry. But it was this specific spaceship-dismounting shot that left the sourest taste in Elba's godly mouth.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...