10 Exact Moments Actors Died Inside

5. Christian Bale Didn't Want To Be Anywhere Near A Musical - Newsies

Justice League
Buena Vista Pictures

He may have slightly softened on the subject in the decades since dancing his way into the spotlight back in the early '90s, but Christian Bale initially was in no mood at all to strut his stuff and warble his way through Disney's Newsies back in the day.

That's mostly because he wasn't aware that the flick was set to be a musical in the first place, with the eventual Batman icon quickly setting about trying to convince director Kenny Ortega to let him sit in a pub whilst the elaborate dance routines were being shot as soon as it became clear what he'd gotten himself in for.

In the Jack Kelly actor's words, "I hoped I could be the lead in a musical without doing any singing and dancing."

And despite Bale eventually declaring "f*** it!" to the whole uncomfortable situation, it's evident the star wanted to be elsewhere throughout shooting the likes of his "Santa Fe" solo, with his co-star David Moscow also admitting to the crew having "to calm both me and Christian down and be like, 'Look, we're never gonna make you look bad.'"


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...