10 Exact Moments Actors Stopped Trying

3. Flirty Harry - Adrien Brody

Old Dogs John Travolta
Freestyle Releasing

Adrien Brody is a terrific actor and remains the youngest Best Actor Oscar winner in history - scooping the award for his work on The Pianist at just 29 years of age - yet for the majority of the last decade, his career has basically been in the toilet.

Aside from a small supporting role in Wes Anderson's Grand Budapest Hotel, Brody's last notable performance was as Salvador Dali in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris back in 2011.

Otherwise, he's spent close to a decade appearing in an array of forgettable, mediocre VOD thrillers and dramas. But the movie that truly showed Brody's most passionate years to be behind him?

2013's sketch comedy movie InAPPropriate Comedy sees Brody appear as "Flirty Harry" in a parody of the Dirty Harry franchise, culminating in the horrendous one-liner, "Go ahead, make me gay." Yup.

It's a skit so embarrassingly bad Brody's fans speculated on whether or not he lost a bet, but aside from The Grand Budapest Hotel - which, let's be honest, was hardly a stretch for him - he's been starring in generic VOD thrillers, sometimes even with his fellow slummers Hayden Christensen (American Heist) and Bruce Willis (Air Strike).

It hurts how much talent is being squandered here, and though Brody does at least have a role in Anderson's new movie The French Dispatch, it remains to be seen exactly how much of him we'll be seeing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.