10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On HYPED Movies

7. Brody, Broken Badly - Godzilla

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In 2014 the world was Malcolm in the Middle star Bryan Cranston's oyster.

Fresh off the unprecedented success of his role in Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad, the actor found himself in high demand throughout Hollywood. Both big budget blockbuster roles and smaller indie projects soon followed, but nothing excited the masses more than the news that he would be playing the lead role in a Godzilla reboot.

Directed by Monsters director Gareth Edwards, the film was to be a darker and more modern monster movie.

A lot darker, in fact, as fans discovered less than an hour into the movie.

You know, when Cranston's character dies.

The heroic and selfless Brody made for a compelling protagonist in this uneven and overlong creature feature, grounding proceedings and getting some emotional investment from a crowd of cinema-goers who were becoming impatient as Edwards' slowly teased his monster reveal.

And then he's gone, and with him goes any attachment the audience had to the film's human cast. The result is a needlessly dark and heavy dramatic first half for what ultimately ends up feeling like a pretty conventional monster movie in the end.

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