10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On Their Favourite Movie Characters
6. Arthur Fleck (Joker) - Visiting Sophie's Apartment
Much like the Clown Prince of Crime himself, 2019's Joker is open to multiple interpretations. To some, it's a triumphant "f**k you" against an establishment that looks down on the 99% from their ivory towers. For others, it's a deeply troubling incel fantasy that fetishises violence.
What everyone can hopefully agree on is that Arthur Fleck's surprise visit to Sophie's apartment is completely unjustifiable.
Partway through the movie Arthur comes to the realisation that his romantic relationship Sophie was never anything more than an elaborate fantasy conjured up by his imagination. His response to this revelation is to break into her apartment and, upon being discovered by his imagined paramour, mime putting a bullet through his brain in a callback to an earlier conversation between the two.
Unlike Arthur's other questionable acts, this is portrayed in a way that makes it impossible to sympathise with him. The look of terror on Sophie's face, Arthur's obvious rage and the smash cut to him cry-laughing in his apartment while police sirens fade in leave the audience to assume the worse has happened. It's the first time Arthur's actions are depicted in a wholly negative light and the first sign that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't wholeheartedly support the man destined to become one of fiction's greatest villains.