10 Exact Moments Fans Turned On Their Favourite Movie Characters

5. Timon & Pumba - Retroactively Spoiling The Lion King

Thanos Star Lord

The Lion King 1 1/2 was a side-story to the first movie that answered the question nobody asked: "What were the comic relief doing when they weren't on screen?" (In other words, "Where's Poochie?")

Timon and Pumba were fine as Simba's bumbling sidekicks, but expecting them to carry an entire movie by themselves was a bad idea from the start. Even the writers themselves seemed to realise this, which means that a lot of the movie consists of the eponymous duo Forrest Gumping their way around scenes from Lion King 1. We're guessing Disney hoped that the cinematic stardust of the original would rub off onto the sequel, but they only succeeded in sullying the memory of one of their greatest movies.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in The Lion King 1 1/2's decidedly un-funny take on the original's iconic opening. That indelible image of all the animals in Pride Rock bowing to Simba? Turns out they were just passing out from Pumba's farts! "Ha ha ha", we failed to chortle in rapturous glee (to borrow a phrase from an immeasurably superior talking animal animation).

There's an old rule in comedy that the more offensive a joke is, the funnier it needs to be to get away with it. Disney trampling over one of their most beloved films in service of a weak fart joke failed that test, and left us actively disliking Timon and Pumba for their part in it.

And you thought the remake was the worst thing to have happened to The Lion King...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.