10 Exact Moments Films Made You Fall In Love With Them

7. The Richest Man In Town - It's A Wonderful Life

The Sound Of Music
RKO Radio Pictures

It seems odd to fall in love with a movie just as it’s about to finish. But after all, It’s A Wonderful Life has become so well remembered and iconic for its uplifting ending, which is always a simple reminder of being grateful for all that the gift of life brings you, whether good or bad.

The film studies the character of George Bailey, who has had plans of travelling the world, but instead has built a life in his hometown in order to prevent the evil Mr Potter from taking over. His situation seems to grow increasing difficult as he faces financial troubles within his business as well as personal troubles at home. On Christmas Eve, George is about to commit suicide before his guardian angel, Clarence, comes to the rescue.

The guardian angel gives George a supernatural experience to see what the world would be like if he never existed. If the film hadn’t already taken a depressing tone, it becomes much more gloomy as Mr Bailey sees what an influence he had his town and the people around him – Bedford Falls is now Pottersville, his brother Harry died as a child, Mr Gower was imprisoned for manslaughter and his humble little town is rife with crime and sleaziness.

As George begs Clarence for his life back, it’s a huge relief that everything is restored back to normal. But the merry part comes from the kindness of the town’s people, who have generously donated to Mr Bailey because of all his hard work for them, thus making him “the richest man in town”. The film’s narrative is sometimes hard-hitting but the ending is a great pay off as it demonstrates that your hard work in life will be worth it eventually.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid