10 EXACT Moments Movies Self-Destructed

1. The Futterwacken Dance - Alice In Wonderland

Die Another Day Pierce Brosnan

Tim Burton's "live-action" Alice in Wonderland is a 108-minute sensory assault, but at least it's worth sitting through to see the Mad Hatter's (Johnny Depp) much-hyped Futterwacken dance, right?

A running gag throughout the movie is that the Mad Hatter never does the joyous Futterwacken dance anymore, though he promises his friends that he'll do it again when the White Queen (Anne Hathaway) gets her crown back.

That of course happens at film's end, and after all that build-up, the Futterwacken ends up being... a nightmarish 20-second festival of limb contortion and the Hatter's head digitally spinning around, backed with cringe-making "funky" music no less.

Beyond simply not living up to the hype, it's entirely indicative of everything wrong with Burton's Alice in Wonderland - a garish overload of VFX-driven "style" and way, way too much of Johnny Depp being weird for the sake of it.

After an entire movie's worth of Burton's worst instincts as a filmmaker, this was too much.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.