10 EXACT Moments Movies Self-Destructed

2. Mary's Death - The Godfather Part III

Die Another Day Pierce Brosnan

Nobody's going to sit here and claim that The Godfather Part III is up there with its two peerless predecessors, but despite being wildly over-the-top by comparison, it's a good movie for the most part.

It all falls apart in the climax, however - the emotional crux of the movie where Michael Corleone's (Al Pacino) daughter Mary (Sofia Coppola) is collateral damage in an attempt on his life.

Mary is mortally wounded by a gunshot and soon enough dies in her father's arms, but the entire manner in which the scene is executed is unintentionally laughable.

From the fact that Mary takes 20 whole seconds to realise she's been shot, to the campy way she falls down to her knees, her vapid, very Californian utterance of "Dad?," and the slapstick manner in which she finally keels over, it's all absolutely impossible to take seriously.

It's of course well known that director Francis Ford Coppola's daughter only took the role of Mary to replace Winona Ryder last-minute, and her excruciating performance is often cited as the giant, leaden anchor around the movie's neck.

Her performance and how it's staged ultimately tank the single most important scene in the movie, no matter how brilliant Pacino's work as the grieving father might be immediately afterwards.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.