10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Lost Us

1. The Killer Reveal - Scream VI

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Scream VI's first two acts got so much right, but ultimately fumbled the bag big time in the third act when it came to revealing the identities of its Ghostface killers.

We learn that, for the first time in the series, there are three culprits this time - Detective Bailey (Dermot Mulroney), his daughter Quinn (Liana Liberato), and son Ethan (Jack Champion).

There are a number of underwhelming things about this reveal. First off, it's incredibly obvious - given that the new killer has been dropping legacy Ghostface masks at all of their kill sites, who would have easier access to this than a cop? Of course it's Bailey!

Beyond that, Quinn's fake-out "death" earlier in the film is disappointingly transparent - the camera never focuses on her body after Ghostface supposedly kills her, which caused many horror fans' bulls**t detectors to immediately start going off.

And while it was a little less-obvious that Ethan was involved - despite him conspicuously disappearing after "saving" Mindy (Jasmin Savoy Brown) - the trio's motives were also hugely deflating.

It turns out that Detective Bailey is the father of Richie Kirsch (Jack Quaid), one of the killers from the last film, and so the familial trio embarked on a spate of killings out of mere revenge.

Even accepting that Scream VI shamelessly echoed much of Scream 2's narrative structure, recycling its killer motive was a step too far, and helped the movie's third act feel rather lazy compared to everything that preceded it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.