10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Lost Us

3. That Totally Insane Car Chase - Deep Water

Ghostbusters Afterlife

Adrian Lyne's new film Deep Water is truly one of the most deranged, head-scratching works of cinema released over the last year - an erotic thriller that's neither erotic nor thrilling.

It sure is hilarious, though, even if that's clearly not what Lyne or stars Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas intended.

The story basically revolves around a man, Vic (Ben Affleck), who agrees to let his wife, Melinda (Ana de Armas), have affairs, though the men she consorts with have a habit of going missing or turning up dead.

There's a single scene near the end of the film that's basically the tipping point at which Deep Water becomes impossible to take even remotely seriously.

After Vic murders Melinda's former college flame Tony (Finn Wittrock), Vic and Melinda's friend Don (Tracy Letts) catches Vic attempting to submerge Tony's body underwater.

A chase ensues, with Don getting into his car and Vic pursuing on... a bike. Like, a push bike.

Somehow, Vic is able to keep up with Don throughout the chase, all while Don's attempts to text his wife and inform her of Vic's guilt are stymied by his phone's autocorrect feature.

Ultimately Don ends up accidentally driving his car off a cliff, killing him instantly and conveniently offing the only witness to Vic's act.

It's at this point that audiences are left to consider how anyone was supposed to watch Deep Water as a serious erotic thriller rather than an absolute farce. No wonder it festered on a studio shelf for two years before being sent straight to streaming.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.