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4. Leatherface Kills Sally - Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Ghostbusters Afterlife

Netflix's recent Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel was basically fashioned as a shameless ripoff of 2018's Halloween retooling, to the extent that it similarly reintroduced its franchise heroine as a battle-hardened badass ready for one last fight with the murderous villain.

The survivor of the original 1974 Texas Chain Saw Massacre is Sally Hardesty, played here by Olwen Fouéré due to original actress Marilyn Burns passing away in 2014.

Sally, now in her sixties, works as a Texas Ranger and heads out to do battle with Leatherface (Mark Burnham) once more after apparently spending almost 50 years looking for him.

Yet this movie is no Halloween 2018, and beyond the fact that Sally has a rather meager supporting role in the film, her showdown with Leatherface doesn't go how anyone expected.

Hilariously, it ends with Sally wasting a blatant opportunity to kill Leatherface and being abruptly run through by his chainsaw. As a result, the younger heroes are left to fend for themselves and - surprise - don't fare much better.

As an attempt to circle back to the original movie this was an absolute failure, simply serving a beloved heroine up to Leatherface like she's any other hapless victim.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.