10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

9. Russell Crowe Rides A Tiny Scooter - The Pope's Exorcist

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser
Sony Pictures Releasing

The marketing for The Pope's Exorcist didn't paint it as anything other than an incredibly generic supernatural horror film that provided Russell Crowe with one of the easier paychecks of his career.

And though the final film isn't great by any means, it is a good deal more self-aware and entertainingly crafted than its trailers suggested.

This is in large part because of director Julius Avery's decision not to take things too seriously, doubling down in particular on its oft-comical presentation of Crowe's protagonist, Father Gabriele Amorth.

This is made clear from an early scene where we see Amorth riding through the streets of Rome on a scooter that just seems far too small for his robust frame.

It's an inherently ridiculous visual - Russell Crowe sat on a puny scooter, his priest garb flowing in the wind - yet one that proved the filmmakers were treating this romp with plenty of good humour.

And to top it off, the first time we see Crowe on the scooter, it's accompanied by one of the year's most inspired needle drops to date - Faith No More's iconic "We Care a Lot."

Better yet, a sequel is already in development, so hopefully we'll get to see more scooter-based shenanigans in the near-future.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.