10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

8. Jennifer Coolidge Fires A Machine Gun - Shotgun Wedding

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser

Nobody's going to pretend that Shotgun Wedding was a great movie, but Amazon's silly action rom-com earned instant meme-worthy status when the venerable Jennifer Coolidge picked up a machine gun in the third act.

After it's revealed that the pirates who have invaded Tom (Josh Duhamel) and Darcy's (Jennifer Lopez) wedding were actually working for Darcy's ex Sean (Lenny Kravitz), all hell breaks loose.

As Tom and Darcy try to rescue their kidnapped guests, a shootout ensues, at which point Tom's mother Carol (Coolidge) decides she's had enough of this s**t, grabs a nearby machine gun and declares, "Nobody f**ks with my family!"

Carol, still wearing her finest wares - including a massive hat - unloads the weapon in the direction of an armed goon in glorious slow-motion. The fact that she doesn't actually hit the bad guy even once only makes it that much funnier.

Jennifer Coolidge is a net-positive to pretty much anything she appears in, but whoever decided to put a large automatic weapon in her hands clearly deserves a raise.

If you were on the fence about the movie at this point, this scene surely tipped you over the edge into "Oh, go on then."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.