10 Exact Moments Recent Movies Won Us Over

4. The Nazarian Brothers Kick Ass - Day Shift

The Super Mario Bros Movie Bowser

Last year's Day Shift is a pretty typical Netflix Original in its bones - moderately amusing but feeling at least a draft or two away from being something genuinely great.

But half-way through the Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco-starring action-horror-comedy, it was elevated to crowd-pleasing brilliance with the unexpected arrival of two show-stealing characters - the Nazarian Brothers.

Vampire hunter Bud (Jamie Foxx) and his supervisor Seth (Dave Franco) team up with the Russian vampire-slaying brothers to clear out a vampire nest in a suburban housing estate.

What follows is a gloriously bone-crunching set-piece as the four heroes dismantle the fleet of vampires infesting the area, but it's the Nazarian Bros., with their exceptional weapons training and martial arts skills, who prove to be the clear MVPs.

That should be little surprise, though, given that one of the brothers is played by the great Scott Adkins, while the other is portrayed by Shameless actor Steve Howey.

Seeing the brothers systematically obliterate the seemingly never-ending horde of thirsty, contortionist vampires in ultra-violent fashion, all while keeping score of who kills the most, is a pleasure quite unlike anything else in the movie.

Yet the filmmakers perhaps appreciated that the Nazarians were a little too over-powered for their own good, as they were conveniently kept out of the movie's climax, which they likely could've mopped up in record time.

This mid-film scene nevertheless proved popular enough that fans took to social media to demand a Nazarian Bros. spin-off. Make it happen, Netflix.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.