10 Exact Moments That Doomed Horror Movie Villains

1. Crispian Tries To Bribe Erin - You're Next

Scream 4 Jill

It's revealed at the end of Adam Wingard's deliciously entertaining home invasion slasher film You're Next that protagonist Erin's (Sharni Vinson) boyfriend Crispian (A.J. Bowen) was actually in on the home invasion from the start, orchestrating it in an attempt to collect his family's inheritance.

Crispian accidentally discloses this information over the phone to Erin, who consequently confronts him. Rather than simply attempt to flee or fight Erin, Crispian assures her that her life wasn't in danger during the home invasion, and then attempts to buy her off with a $500,000 payment.

The bribe is the point at which Erin's expression changes from incredulous upset to righteous, disgusted anger, and she promptly makes short work of him by stabbing him in the neck and eye.

Granted, you can argue that Crispian screwed himself much earlier by hatching this plan without looking into his partner's past first. Had he known she was raised on a survivalist compound, he might've thought about leaving her at home.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.