10 Exact Moments We Knew Movie Characters Were Doomed To Die

4. The Baby Is Gone - Mother!

Mother Jennifer Lawrence

Mother! is a surreal film. It essentially functions on dream logic, flowing between scenes in a way directly designed to give film students wet dreams, but its violence is anything but unimpactful. In classic Darren Aronofsky fashion, the characters in Mother! go through some s***, and nobody is spared.

Consequently, towards the end when things get pretty hectic, and Javier Bardem and Jennifer Lawrence's characters have begun to share their home with hundreds of demented cultists desperate to meet their newborn baby, things take a particularly dark turn.

Lawrence's mother holds the baby in her arms, safe in a locked room with her husband. She doesn't want to let them see it. You don't want them to see it. They're not going to treat it with care.

Exhausted, she nods off to sleep, and awakens to find her baby missing. It's at that point you know it's game over - but even then, you probably didn't expect just how brutal the death of the child would be the hands of this baying mob.

Cheers, Darren. I can't unsee this now.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3