3. Title Sequence - Spider-Man 2
Columbia PicturesIn short, one could describe the sequel to Spider-Man as everything the first film had and more. For example, in a clear display of not fixing what isn't broken, Spider-Man 2 also utilizes the impressive Danny Elfman score coupled with the comic book -like credits and images. While it's a visual treat, and that should be enough, it plays a bigger role in the series as what we know of a Spider-Man film. Rather than resort to exposition, this title sequence gives a two-minute recap of every important event of the first film through comic renditions of the actors and shots. Not only does this keep the audience up to speed, it marks the growth of the series' visual creations as unique among films today, reminding the viewers of the greatness of the first film and preparing them for the greatness to come. By the end of the credits, the audience is ready for a Spider-Man movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ5Irvc4Je8