10 Excruciatingly Bad Films You Should Die Before You See

8. Bio-Dome


From Neighbors to San Andreas, Kylie Minogue's resume doesn't exactly make other performers grind their teeth with envy, so when she considers a movie her professional nadir, that means you avoid it at all costs. 

In Bio-Dome, Kylie plays "Dr Van Kant", a "brilliant scientist" sealed in a biosphere with Stephen Baldwin and Pauly Shore, two stoners who think Boba Fett is a cheese and have no ambition other than to be reincarnated as leotards. Imagine the crazy comedy capers that ensue as they steal, destroy property and make deliberately sexist comments. Or rather don't, because the picture wrecked both their careers.

After turning down Speed, Baldwin decided that Bio-Dome was just what the world needed and signed on, ignoring his brother Alec’s advice that would be the worst thing that ever happened to him. He subsequently became a born again Christian and claimed that God told him to do the movie, which if true must mean the Big Guy is a fan of stoner humour, puerile one-liners and pedestrian direction, because that’s all this anti-masterpiece has to offer.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'