10 Extremely Uncomfortable Moments In Classic Movies

7. Dazed And Confused - David Outs Himself As A Sexual Predator

Dazed And Confused
Gramercy Pictures

If you look at lists of the top movie quotes of all time (and there are a lot out there), you’ll tend to see more or less the same snippets of dialogue again and again.

One such example is the line uttered by David Wooderson – played by Matthew McConaughey – in Richard Linklater’s 1993 coming-of-age comedy Dazed and Confused.

The quote – variously described as “classic” or “profound” – is "that's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

Admittedly, that's removed from the context of the film, but even so, isn’t it a bit... creepy? He’s basically bragging about his prowess as a predatory statutory rapist, yet repeatedly he gets held up as one of cinema’s coolest characters.

If the film were real life, no one would be surprised to see Wooderson in prison, or at least recently released, now a permanent fixture on the sex offender’s register.

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A man who writes things.