10 Failed Movies That Became Cult Classics

3. Showgirls

showgirls movie

Fresh off the massive success of 1992's erotic thriller Basic Instinct, director Paul Verhoeven opted to helm the epic $45 million erotic drama Showgirls, a movie which upon release became an instant scarlet letter for just about everybody involved.

Savaged by critics for its unintentional humour, awful performances, excessive length, rampant misogyny and lack of actual titillation, Showgirls went on to win seven Razzie Awards including Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Actress (Elizabeth Berkley) and Worst Screenplay.

Reviews combined with a restrictive NC-17 rating resulted in it failing to even make its budget back theatrically, compared to Basic Instinct's incredible $352.9 million haul on a similar budget.

However, in the 25 years since its release, the tide of opinion has turned somewhat, with the film grossing over $100 million on home video, being embraced by fans as a campy, self-aware classic and even accepted as a serious satire by some contemporary critics.

Though Showgirls will never fully live down its initial infamy, it's fair to say that no other Worst Picture winner has enjoyed quite such a healthy and passionate discourse about its potential merits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.