10 Failed Movies That Became Cult Classics

4. The Fountain

hugh jackman the fountain
Warner Bros.

Over a decade before Darren Aronofsky confounded audiences and critics alike with mother!, he befuddled everyone with his glossy existential fantasy epic The Fountain, a tripartite, millennium-spanning meditation on love, life and death.

Even with its fairly modest $35 million budget given the ambition and visual majesty of the project, it tanked with audiences and failed to gross even half its price tag, while critics were and remain enormously mixed on it.

But just like mother!, the movie has its fans for sure, with Aronofsky's signature arresting visuals, loose spiritualist themes and, of course, a killer Clint Mansell musical score preventing The Fountain from fading into obscurity.

If you can swallow down some of Aronofsky's more heavy-handed and arguably "pretentious" symbolism, there is a sumptuous, emotional feast of a movie in here. And you can almost watch it thrice in the time it takes to watch Heaven's Gate, so there's that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.