10 Failed Space Operas That Bombed With Mainstream Audiences

1. Studios Had A Bad Feeling About This - Battlefield Earth (2000)

For years, actor John Travolta sought to bring Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard€™s massive space opera novel Battlefield Earth to the big screen. Despite his best efforts, Travolta found the epic 1,000 page novel a tough sell; major studios worried that a sci-fi property so closely linked with Scientology would turn off mainstream audiences. Travolta persevered, sinking millions of dollars of his own money into the project to see it come to fruition. In 2000, after finally finding a studio to back the epic sci-fi adventure, Travolta€™s dream project hit theatres. It quickly turned into a nightmare. Widely regarded as one of the worst movies ever made, Battlefield Earth failed so spectacularly it has since become the stuff of bad movie legend. The review aggregator website Metacritic.com scored the sci-fi an embarrassing 9 out of 100. The critics on Rottentomatoes.com awarded it a paltry 3 %. Audiences agreed with the critical consensus. Box office ticket receipts totaled less than 30 million, well below the 75 million dollar budget. Battlefield Earth adapted the first half of Hubbard€™s epic novel and Travolta planned to bring the rest of the space saga to the big screen in a sequel. The movie's abject failure placed those plans on permanent hiatus. There€™s our list. Any notable failures we missed? Let us know in the comments.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.