10 Family Films That Secretly Brainwashed You

2. Home Alone (1990)

Home Alone Ah yes, I remember going to see this in theaters. Magical. Little Macaulay Culkin stole our hearts in Christopher Columbus/John Hughes€™ childhood fantasy come true. But simultaneously, the teachings and principles of another group seeped into my little brain: the National Rifle Association. Kevin is forced to use insane, dangerous booby traps in an attempt to protect his home. The message of the film is that if Kevin had just had a real gun, he could have taken care of the Wet Bandits much more quickly, with less hijinks. Actually, shooting the robbers might have been less cruel. Sadly, I think it is obvious that Home Alone€™s influence is what prevents the US from passing necessary gun legislature. Was it worth it, Christopher Columbus and John Hughes?
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Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.