10 Family-Friendly Movies With Ridiculously High Body Counts

2. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Body count: 468 As we saw earlier, The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe managed to significantly up its body count by including a huge battle scene in the final act. Still, with a total body count of 86 it has nothing on Peter Jackson's second installment of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, The Two Towers. Racking up a total of 468 deaths over the course of its near-3 hour running time, most of the deaths seen can be attributed to Uruk-hai and regular orcs, which no doubt goes some way to explaining how Jackson managed to get away with so much violence in a family-oriented blockbuster movie. Aragorn and Legolas vie for the top spot when it comes to kills added up by the main characters, and indeed there's a running joke in the movie between Legolas and Gimli as to who has killed the most orcs. While the winner is often debated on the internet, but in terms of kills witnessed on screen Legolas comes out ahead of everyone else with 26.

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