10 Family-Friendly Movies With Ridiculously High Body Counts

1. Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Body count: 836 How could any film hope to beat The Two Towers with its epic battle scenes? The answer, clearly, lies in the final installment of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, The Return Of The King, where the biggest battle of them all takes place to determine the ultimate fate of the inhabitants of Middle Earth. Nearly doubling the kill count over the previous installment in the series, The Return Of The King is not only the family-friendly blockbuster with the highest body count, it's also perhaps the film with the highest body count even when taking into consideration R rated movies. The number of on-screen deaths dwarfs the tally from movies such as Rambo (the remake, not the original), John Woo's ultra violent Hard Boiled and R rated war epics such as 300, Saving Private Ryan and Troy. Once again it is the Uruk-Hai and other orcs who suffer the greatest losses, although this time around Legolas slips into second place allowing Aragorn to come out on top as the character with the most kills. Fitting, considering that the film is in essence about his return as the king of Middle Earth. What other family-friendly movies have you seen with huge body counts? Why not tell us about them in the comments below?

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