10 Family Movies With Mind-Blowingly Questionable Morals

2. Robin Hood

robin hood I was hesitant about putting this in for fear of coming across not just as a massive Scrooge but also as a heartless conservative (of which I hope I am neither). But the morals in the Robin Hood story, at least in some cases, just do not add up. (Although this is still my all time favourite Disney movie). Lets look at it in modern day terms. Would the excuse of "stealing from the rich to give to the poor" stand up in court? More importantly, should it stand up in court? Unless you're a member of an anarchist sect, you would probably answer no. I accept that in the case of this film, the rich tiger in question is not a very agreeable fellow. His PR department should really take a lot of the blame for this. Unfortunately his PR department consists of an accident prone snake. Take Warren Buffett. He just happens to be a relatively amicable rich man. But he is still a rich man. The logic of Robin Hood demands that I steal from nice old Warren Buffett and give the takings to a poor man. I don't want to steal from Warren Buffett. Leave Warren Buffett alone. It just so happens that Warren Buffett is giving most of his money to the poor anyway. But this is his choice. Maybe Robin Hood should tell the story of a rich man giving some money to charity. I have a feeling this story would not have had the required longevity to be turned into a Disney movie.


Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk