10 Famous Actor Pairings You Didn't Realise Hated One Another In Real Life

2. Yul Brynner & Steve McQueen - The Magnificent Seven

On the set of 1960s classic Western, The Magnificent Seven, one of the seven seemed a bit too magnificent compared to the rest of the gang. Steve McQueen, at the time little more than nobody, was incredibly competitive, especially with regard to the Oscar-winning Brynner. While the other five were trying to make their mark with the film, McQueen was unusually ruthless in his need to succeed. McQueen would conspire with co-star Robert Vaughn in the wee hours of the morning, before filming began regarding Brynner's perceived over-magnificence. McQueen was threatened, for instance, that Brynner€™s Colt Peacemaker in the film had an ivory grip because, apparently, viewers would be too entranced with the fancy gun to pay attention to McQueen. Brynner's big horse was also an issue; it did not seem to faze him that Vaughn had the largest horse of the seven. €œI don€™t care about your horse,€ McQueen reportedly said when told this. €œIt€™s Brynner€™s horse I€™m worried about.€ Eventually, Brynner became fed up with McQueen€™s constant one-upping and scene-stealing to the point where he refused to draw his gun in the presence of McQueen, who would outdraw him. Pistol fights and size comparisons aside, however, it seems that McQueen had the last laugh: his career soared after The Magnificent Seven, despite, shockingly, his lack of a pearl-handled gun.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.