10 Famous Actors Who Have Resigned Themselves To Just Doing Cameos

6. Rob Schneider

It's almost seems as though nobody will put Rob Schneider in anything anymore unless he's doing a very brief cameo, because it's now common knowledge that having this guy in high doses is absolutely not a good idea, as both box office and sad faces everywhere will probably tell you. So Rob Schneider has since made a sort of bonafide career out of making cameos - usually ones that he's been given by his best friend (?) Adam Sandler, who himself should maybe think about cutting down the leading roles in favour of minor appearances (what's less than a cameo?). Yes, there was a time when poor ol' Rob was able to get his very own Hollywood movies green-lit, but the Deuce Bigelow days are kind of over now. Did they ever even begin, you ask? Oh, very droll. Pop a crappy comedy in your DVD player, then, and chances are that Mr. Schneider will be along soon as a semi-racist caricature who screams things or mispronounces a word for your enjoyment (if the movie in question happens to be directed by Dennis Dugan, you're definitely getting a Schneider cameo... but has your life really reached the point where you watch Dennis Dugan movies?).

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