10 Famous Actors Who Decided To Turn On Their Own Movies

5. Colin Farrell - Miami Vice

Miami Vice Michael Mann's big screen adaptation of Miami Vice came and went like an episode of the TV show: I don't remember anybody I know even going to see it, nor have I heard anybody talk about it in the aftermath of its release. It just... disappeared. The movie met its fair share of criticisms, of course, most of which said it lacked substance - a notion that star Colin Farrell happened to agree with. Asked about the movie, he candidly said: "Miami Vice? I didn't like it so much." Pressed further as to why he wasn't best pleased with the flick, in which he played iconic cop Crockett, Farrell added: "I thought it was style over substance and I accept a good bit of the responsibility. It was never going to be Lethal Weapon, but I think we missed an opportunity to have a friendship that also had some elements of fun." At least he's honest about it, and I don't believe what he said here could really be taken as anything but constructive in this case. I hope Michael Mann would agree with that, given that Farrell even took some of the blame.

All-round pop culture obsessive.