10 Famous Actors Who Have Literally Never Been Bad In A Movie

4. John C. Reilly

John C Reilly In Dark Water
Buena Vista

John C. Reilly might not seem like the most obvious choice for a list like this, but he's consistently proven himself to be one of the most under-estimated and under-appreciated actors working today.

Reilly is often dismissed as a schlubby comedian, yet that's totally glossing over the many strong dramatic performances he's given throughout his career, not least his Oscar-nominated turn in 2002's Chicago.

And though Reilly has starred in his fair share of low-brow comedies, he's never been bad in a single one, even managing to (scarcely) maintain his composure in the recent Holmes and Watson.

He has a knack for elevating potentially iffy material, as with his fantastic supporting turn in the otherwise mediocre Kong: Skull Island, while his Oscar-worthy performance as Oliver Hardy in last year's Stan & Ollie might be the strongest work of his entire career.

His laid-back, approachable demeanor might make it seem like he doesn't really care, but that's not the case at all, and there's a subtly meticulous quality to his work no matter the genre.

Reilly's films aren't always good, but he's always good in them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.