10 Famous Actors Who Have Literally Never Been Bad In A Movie

5. Amy Adams

Arrival Amy Adams
Paramount Pictures

It's easy to imagine a reality where Amy Adams' career went completely differently, given that she started out in low-rent genre films like 2000's Cruel Intentions 2, and miraculously managed to escape with her dignity in tact by leaning into the gonzo camp.

But Adams' career took flight in 2006 when she received a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her work in Junebug, and in the 13 years since, has scooped an additional five nominations - without a win, incredibly - while cementing herself as one of the best actresses of her generation.

Her filmography is balanced pretty evenly between blockbuster fare and more presumably rewarding artsy fare, and even when likely motivated by a paycheck, she gives the material her all.

You certainly can't blame her rather tepid Lois Lane on her own acting chops: she did all she could with what little was written for the character.

Even in patronising trash like 2010 rom-com Leap Year, Adams has brought an illuminating magnetism to the fore that the project clearly didn't deserve, and has yet to deliver a single off-key turn to date.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.