10 Famous Actors Who Literally Do The Same Thing In Every Movie

9. Mark Wahlberg Flares His Nostrils

The Rock Raised Eyebrow
Focus Features

In the same vein as Harrison Ford as he angry pointing, Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg has a tendency to flare his nostrils whenever his character's pissed off.

Watch the actor in anything, from any genre, and you'll see him staring down another character with unblinking eyes and nostrils that look like they could swallow you whole. From The Departed to Daddy's Home, Contraband, Pain and Gain, Ted and many, many more, Wahlberg can't seem to help it.

Whether this is an acting technique the former rapper uses to get lost in an intense scene, or is just the face he pulls unconsciously when he's raging against his on-screen foes, this is the kind of quirk you can't unsee once you notice it. He's no Harrison Ford, but it's a fun and recognisable trademark of his performances.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.