10 Famous Actors Who Literally Do The Same Thing In Every Movie

8. Michelle Rodriquez Is A Woman In A Man's World

The Rock Raised Eyebrow

An otherwise very underrated actress, Michelle Rodriquez has one recurring trait that has followed her for most of her career.

Typically cast as a tough, streetwise woman who's surrounded by testosterone-fuelled men (Fast & Furious, Avatar, Swat, even Lost), Rodriquez tends to have a big, defining scene in which she tells everyone she's just as tough as the men around her, or that she's tired of being underestimated because she's a woman.

Of course, this isn't so much Rodriquez's doing as it is Hollywood's poor history with representation -- after all, who would ever believe a woman could do what a man can unless she actually tells us with a big speech? -- but it's still something that's been with her for over twenty years now.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.