10 Famous Directors You Didn't Know Had Really Weird Fetishes

Mussolini, Tom Jones and meticulously organised boxes.

Movie directors aren't known to be the most "normal" group of human beings on the planet. Whilst a select few, such as Steven Spielberg and Christopher Nolan, are regarded as the epitome of "well balanced" directors, most filmmakers are renowned for being... well, a little odd, actually. After all, it is their own deep and intricate thoughts being projected onto the big screen, time after time; thoughts that are often dark, twisted or just outright bizarre. Yes, movies are highly revealing of their directors; it's entirely possible to sit down to a movie and see what a specific filmmakers is "into." To discover their fetishes, as it were. And whilst some of said fetishes have become well-known to the public (Quentin Tarantino likes feet; Michael Bay likes explosions; Alfred Hitchcock liked his blondes), they're not the be all and end all. Sometimes spotting a director's fetish is a far more difficult affair. Uh-huh: some well-known directors have - or had - fetishes that aren't quite as obviously glimpsed in the frames of their motion picture ventures. Whilst they might have projected aspects of said fetish into their films on certain occasions, they're nowhere near as well-drawn as Quentin Tarantino's foot fetish. Which everybody - everybody - knows about...


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.