10 Famous Directors You Didn't Know Had Really Weird Fetishes

10. Guillermo Del Toro Has Admitted A Fetish For "Clockwork"

If you've ever seen a Guillermo del Toro film, chances are that you've noticed that the director has a particular fetish for things such as creepy crawlies and gothic imagery. Whilst those trademarks better qualify as "interests" on the part of the famed Mexican director, though, there's a more subtle trademark that carries through almost all of his films - one that feels like more of a fetish when you hear him talk about it. That's right: it's clockwork, or anything relating to the clockwork aesthetic. Seriously: have a look at his movies and you'll see that there's an element of clockwork in pretty much all of them. Want examples? How about Cronos, with its intricately clockwork central artefact? In Hellboy, there's a bonafide mechanical Nazi hitman. Heck, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army's final battle takes place in a chamber packed giant cogs, for God's sake! And del Toro is fully aware of his fetish. When asked about it, he opened up and said: "I like to open them up and check the mechanisms," before adding: "I have, in my day, taken a couple of watches apart." On his collection of clockwork-y things, he claims to "have an automaton that plays the cello and another that has a little funnel and whistles a tune."

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.