10 Famous Directors You Didn't Know Had Really Weird Fetishes

3. Frank Capra Had A Strange Soft Spot For Mussolini

When you think of Frank Capra, you don't necessarily think of him as a fan of one of the worst dictators of all-time... you're usually too busy remembering some of his warm, entertaining and timeless motion pictures such as Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, It Happened One Night and - of course - It's A Wonderful Life. You want to hear more about that Mussolini thing now, though, right? Well, despite the fact that it seems a tad crazy to think so, Frank Capra - purveyor of all things good and righteous - had a weird thing (read as: lust) for Benito Mussolini, a man he genuinely believed would save Italy from communism. Yes, the same Mussolini who killed millions of people. Capra was Italian-American, you see, and thus had an incentive. Can this really be classified as a fetish, you wonder? Isn't Capra's adoration more of a political preference? Um, well, maybe, but it certainly seems closer to a fetish - or, at the very least, a very weird obsession - when you learn that Capra had an oil painting of Mussolini hanging in his bedroom. Not the living room, mind you... but the bedroom.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.