10 Famous Movie Plot Holes (That Are NOT Plot Holes)

6. How Could Finn & Rey Hold Their Own Against Kylo Ren? - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Terminator death

At the end of The Force Awakens, the First Order's commander, Kylo Ren, corners Finn outside the Starkiller base. Left with nowhere to run, the ex-Stormtrooper ignites his lightsaber and attacks Kylo head-on. As Snoke's disciple is about to kill him, Rey appears and uses Finn's lightsaber to subdue her enemy.

Because Kylo is so OPed, some viewers found it absurd that two people as inexperienced as Finn and Rey could defeat him. Finn has never held a lightsaber until a day before facing Kylo. He barely defeated a Stormtrooper with this weapon so what chance would we have against a sith? Also, Rey has NEVER held a lightsaber in her life!

The reason is simple; Kylo was heavily injured. Just before this confrontation, he was blasted by Chewbacca's bowcaster; a laser that can easily kill a regular person. Kylo's force-powers may have saved his life but he was far from full-strength during his final battle.

Also, Rey has been shown to be capable of dispatching multiple assailants by herself, adapting quickly to her surroundings, and being versatile with most forms of weaponry. When you take those circumstances into account, it doesn't seem that far-fetched she got the upper hand against Kylo.


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