10 Famous Movie Plot Holes (That Are NOT Plot Holes)

5. Why Didn't Gandalf Use The Eagles? - The Lord Of The Rings

Terminator death
Warner Bros. Pictures/New Line Cinema

After the hobbit, Frodo, learns he is in possession of The One Ring, Gandalf the Grey orders him to travel to Mordor and cast it in the fires of Mt. Doom, which is the only place it can be destroyed.

But why didn't Gandalf chuck the Ring into the volcano himself by flying on one of the Great Eagles? He could've completed the whole quest in a couple of days. In fact, why did he get Frodo involved in the first place?

But there's something a lot of people forget. What's the first thing Frodo does when he learns the dangers of The Ring? His first instinct is to give it to the wizard.

And what does the Gandalf do? He yells at the halfling, terrified that Sauron's dark power will corrupt him. If Gandalf had a moment of weakness while transporting the Ring to Mt. Doom, he could divert his route straight to Sauron's castle, allowing the Dark Lord to reclaim his power.

Because the Ring didn't corrupt Bilbo despite being in his possession for over 50 years, Gandalf assumes it's because of the purity of hobbits and so, believes Frodo is the perfect candidate for the quest.


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