10 Famous Movie Plot Holes (That Are NOT Plot Holes)

4. How Did Sarah Connor Know How To Crush The Terminator? - The Terminator

Terminator death

In the final chase scene in The Terminator, Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese try everything they can to stop the time-travelling cyborg but to no avail. Even after blowing him up (twice), the killer robot just keeps coming. After pursuing Sarah into a factory, she lures it into a hydraulic press. As she crawls through the other side, she presses the switch the activates the machine, crushing the titular character.

There is just one tiny problem. How did she know what button to press to activate the hydraulic press? I could be wrong but I'm gonna safely assume Sarah Connor is not an expert with compressive force machinery.

If this sounds like a nitpick... it totally is.

As we've proven with the Avatar entry, James Cameron has a knack for fixing potential plotholes. Take note of when Sarah walks into the factory, as she accidentally leans into a switch, which activates the press. THAT'S how she knows how it works.

Not only can this moment be disregarded as a plothole, it's actually very clever way to foreshadow the fate of the Terminator.


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