10 Famous Movie Scenes (With Factual Errors You Never Noticed)

3. Riggs Actually Could Have Given Arjen Rudd A Parking Ticket - Lethal Weapon 2

Lethal Weapon 2 Most of us are only really familiar with the idea of "diplomatic immunity" because we saw it in Lethal Weapon 2, a movie which pits buddy cop duo Riggs and Murtaugh against a diplomat and his cronies from South Africa. All throughout the movie, this diplomat, Arjen Rudd, hides behind diplomatic immunity to prevent Riggs from arresting or harassing him. At one point, he even tells Riggs: "You couldn't even give me a parking ticket." Now that's power you can't buy, huh? Well, no, actually, nor can you get it for free, given that Lethal Weapon 2 takes lots and lots of liberties with the idea of diplomatic immunity, especially since it would be perfectly okay for Riggs to issue Rudd with a parking ticket. Fact is, diplomatic immunity denotes that a diplomat must simply be prosecuted under the laws of their own country, and if they deny responsibility, the host country takes over. So much for invincibility!

All-round pop culture obsessive.